Friday 1 April 2016

Avoid This Common Trap!

Avoid This Common Trap!

From the ,multiplier chart ,below, we can ,see that the, multiplier for, a 30º bend is exactly ,2. That's why, many electricians, will bend, nothing except 30º offsets; the math needed is simple and easy. This practice also results in unnecessarily sharp bends, harder wire pulls, and often additional junction boxes. It can also add time and money to the job and cause additional work during wire pulls. This practice is easy to avoid. Nearly everyone carries a cell phone with a calculator in it nowadays, and even if you don't you can still multiply two numbers. Do it right: Use a bend appropriate to the task. A large offset of 3 feet will probably need 45º bends, while a small one of a few inches can usually get by with 22º or even 10º bends. It is true that 10º bends can be difficult to get perfect, and that the math for 22º or 45º offsets takes a moment of effort, but neither is an excuse for shoddy workmanship.

A Last Word on Multipliers

A last word on multipliers: When bending large conduit, an angle finder is generally used to measure the precise angle being bent as the angle marks used on a hand bender are not stamped onto benders for large conduit. This raises an interesting possibility: Any angle desired may be used if you know the correct


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